When do you plan to kill yourself?
Eftirfarandi spurningar eru úr "The Feeling Good Handbook" og eiga að gefa vísbendingu um hvort sá sem svarar sé í áhættuhóp fyrir að stytta sér aldur.
1. Have you been feeling sad or unhappy?
2. Do you ever feel hopeless?
3. Do you ever have thoughts of death or think that you would be better off dead?
4. Do you have any urge to kill yourself?
5. Do you feel you can resist these impulses or do they sometimes tempt you?
6. Do you have any actual plan to kill yourself?
7. When do you plan to kill yourself?
8. Is there anything that would hold you back suck as your family or religious convictions?
9. Have you ever made a suicide attempt in the past?
10. Would you be willing to seek help or talk to someone if you ever felt desperate?
If a person answers "yes" to any number of these questions, the threat of suicide may be imminent.
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